samedi 2 août 2014

Hyperinflation Nightmare Dead Ahead!

China's secret message to their investors:

"Dump your dollars as fast possible because there's a...

Hyperinflation Nightmare
Dead Ahead!" In this Urgent, Eye-Opening Report you'll learn:
  • Why China is jumping ship...
  • Why world confidence in the U.S. dollar is evaporating...
  • PLUS, how the Fat Cats in Washington are lying through their teeth about the Federal Deficit...
All while international investors watch mountains of toxic debt pile up faster than at any point in American history!

Read below to find out why you are now faced with the single most menacing economic crisis of your lifetime...

Dear Fellow American,
Ignore this sober warning and you may as well take your savings... your retirement—and your very financial security—and KISS THEM GOODBYE.
On the other hand, if you HEED the warning on this page—and ACT on the advice I send you in my newest guide—not only will you have plenty of time to insulate your wealth...'ll have the opportunity to ensure your family's welfare and prosperity for life!
Look, it's no secret that our government is bleeding the single greatest gushing of red ink in history.
And no institution on earth—not the White House, not Congress... and certainly not the abomination we so politely refer to as the 'Federal Reserve'—has the faintest hope of slowing it—let alone STOPPING it.
Despite what the Fat Cats and Bureaucrats try to tell you, the undeniable truth is that Washington has completely LOST CONTROL of the federal budget.
And far worse than that, they're oblivious to what this means for you and me—namely, that a nightmarish wave of hyperinflation is set to demolish everything we've EVER worked for.

Hyperinflation is Coming—And There's

The definition of hyperinflation is "inflation that is very high or 'out of control', a condition in which prices increase rapidly as a currency loses its value."
This happened in Germany after World War I... when hyperinflation caused the inflation rate to swell from 300 to 800 billion percent, or 300,000,000,000% to 800,000,000,000% over a six-month period.
The value of German mortgages in 1913 was roughly $10 billion US dollars. At the height of hyperinflation in late 1923, these mortgages were only worth one US penny!
Trust me, this was NOT a pretty picture...
In fact, hyperinflation was so bad that workers demanded to be paid daily, or even multiple times per day, so that their wages would not be worthless at the end of the day.
When they received their pay, workers literally RAN from their jobs to the store in the hopes that their paychecks would still be enough to purchase a meal or some goods.
Prices often changed hourly.
There are stories of people using wheelbarrows to haul enough money to buy a loaf of bread. Money was sold or traded by weight and creative minds found other uses for the money, including making clothing with it, using it for wallpaper, and stuffing it in clothing and walls for insulation.
Some citizens actually BURNED their money just to keep warm!
This period of hyperinflation literally destroyed most of the middle and upper classes in Germany.
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When America Bankrupts What Happens To You?
Although it is not a common occurrence there is a risk that your auto insurance company may go insolvent. Anyone may say that you can confirm the financial health of a provider before you buy a policy. But it is pretty tough for typical drivers to see this coming. Even the experts get it wrong many times and declare a company safe just before it goes bankrupt. Fortunately there are safety nets to protect consumers in those cases.
All states in America have safety nets in readiness for those unfortunate circumstances. These are called guaranty funds or associations and they pay for the claims made by the customers of bankrupt insurance firm. Your state guaranty fund would settle the current claims up to a level set by each state and return a proportion of not used up premiums. Although it might be different in some states and it can change, upper claim limits are about $300,000. This figure is thought to be ample to cover most losses.
Normally customers do not have to inform the state authorities since they are automatically protected by such blanket funds. Every licensed insurance company has to take part in state safety net to conduct business in that state. People can confirm if a provider is licensed to sell auto insurance in their state in several ways including confirming the licence number displayed by the insurance firm.
If you have put in a claim already it would be paid by the state guaranty funds but it may be slower than average handling time. State insurance regulator would help customers switch their insurance to another carrier and answer customer inquiries. It would be advisable to find out what to do as soon as possible and arrange a new cover to avoid any extra problems.
If you want to lower the chance of becoming a victim of a bankrupt company you may find out the financial rating of that company before buying a policy from them. Rating is the sign of financial health of an insurer and several firms provide it.
Normally if you obtain similar quotes from alternative firms you might like to choose the safer one with a reputation to pay claims swiftly. That is why you need several quotes to see where companies stand in comparison with each other. If one provider comes up with considerably lower quote than all the rest, you might want to think again.

New Product - Privacy War! Huge Niche With Plenty Of Buyers.
Sometimes just a few small tasks make all the difference between making a few dollars profit on eBay and generating a small fortune each month. These ideas will help you make more from your listings.
* Don't think if an item goes unsold first time round that nobody wants it. Many times I've had items that failed to attract even one visitor but achieved multiple bids and high profits on second or third appearance. eBay is a fast changing marketplace with new members appearing daily and many more categories to list previously unsold goods. See the next tip.
* A more appropriate listing category might increase sales. For example, I had some World War One stereoviews which eBay's suggestion tool considered most appropriate for listing under 'Antiques and Art > Art > Photographs > Pre-1940', where I sold some, but not many of my 200 photographs. I relisted unsold items under 'Collectables > Militaria > World War 1' and lowered the price from £4 to £3. Almost all sold, many at £3, others up to £40 each. Magic!
* Market your most likely best sellers outside of eBay. For example, I had a brass statue recently depicting a Greyhound, but not just any Greyhound. This one had won the revered Waterloo Cup in 1906. I listed it under Collectables > Animals > Dogs > Greyhound but visitors were few and the statue went unsold. I relisted it in the same category, but this time I wrote to editors of specialist Greyhound and Dog Racing magazines which I'm certain helped lift a simple 'Dog' statue into a much prized Racing collectible that sold for fifty pounds. (It cost me 10p at flea market).
* Look for anniversaries or other events which might inflate the price of your goods significantly, and list them close to the appropriate date. For example, an early autograph I had of Fay Wray, heroine of the film King Kong, had gone unsold over two listings, until she died recently, whereupon my third listing suddenly attracted dozens of bids and a cool £20 profit.
* Be aware that it's just as easy (some say easier) to sell to people who have money as to others on tiny budgets. So rather than offer cheap items with tiny profit margins, go for big ticket items. You'll probably achieve fewer sales, but you won't work so hard and there'll be fewer communications to handle. Consider: computers, fine jewellery, designer clothing, original art, cars, motorbikes. But be careful and check listing fees before pressing the submit button. Some items, like cars and motorbikes cost more to list and could eat extensively from your profits. Check carefully or do as I did and promote a pair of cufflinks shaped like motorbikes under Motorbikes > Accessories, and realise later you paid £6 in that category compared to the 35p you'd have paid under 'Jewellery'.
* Consider setting a reserve price on a low starting bid item. The low starting price can generate early interest, but be warned, some bidders feel cheated on encountering a high reserve price on that '99p' starting price item. Nevertheless, the low starting price / reserve price combination can result in furious bidding and high realisations and guarantees you get a good price or the item goes unsold. The reserve price is never disclosed but is always fifty pounds plus.
* Specialise! Become an expert in one area and make fewer costly buying and selling mistakes. Experience also saves you time researching and listing items for sale. You'll also generate repeat business from regular customers who'll come to trust you and your business.
* LIST, LIST, LIST!!! And when you think you've listed enough - LIST SOME MORE! Warning: This applies to items you've already tried and tested, and not to expensive new products about which you know little or nothing.
* Aim to have a web site outside of eBay from which to sell additional items to customers derived from eBay. This can be done by including a leaflet or other mention with the original fulfillment package, thanking the buyer and inviting him (or her) to visit your web site for other items of interest. Consider including a voucher for a small discount on anything ordered outside of eBay. See the next tip.
* When you have that web site, get it listed faster in Google's search engine by including the site url in your 'About Me' page on eBay. Someone told me that Google and other search engines index eBay related pages faster than most other sites. I wasn't convinced, so I tried, and found it worked. Start by creating an 'About Me', you'll see how in your eBay account, and say something like. 'Thank you for visiting. We are suppliers of XYZ and you can learn more about us at'. Bear in mind it doesn't matter if no-one ever visits your 'About Me' page, Google and other search engine spiders will visit and index your site. I follow this technique for all new web sites and find them indexed in days or weeks, never months. Warning: eBay takes a dim view of anyone giving web site addresses in their listings, or as part of an eBay ID and active links are likely to get you barred. The rule does not apply to 'About Me' pages.
* Use counters in your eBay listings. These are provided by eBay, free of charge, during the listing process. Counters let you see how many visits each listing gets, from which you can plan and make changes (lots of visits but no bids is a sign something is wrong in your listing; few visits and several bids normally indicates a hot product). Few visits and plentiful bids could indicate a niche market, one with fewer members but one hundred per cent responsive buyers. But your competition can also check popularity of your listings, allowing them to capitalise on your expertise and possibly poach your ideas and products. The choice to use counters or not is up to you and you can always remove them once testing is complete and you know your product's a winner.
Avril Harper is a triple eBay PowerSeller and editor of eBay Confidential and webmaster of She has produced a free guide - 103 POWERSELLER TIPS - which you can download with other freely distributable reports and ebooks at
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How To Win Any Election (kit)
Running a successful political campaign and getting elected to any office is no piece of cake. Ask any politician and they will tell you that it took a lot of work to win the election they ran in. It takes a lot of hard work and lots of money to win an election. There aren't a lot of resources or guides that help people get elected and show them the right way of running a successful campaign. There are so many factors to consider when running in an election, which is what makes it so difficult. Voters often look for the best and most knowledgeable candidate. They also look for who runs the best campaign.
Political candidates who are participating in an election will have scores of volunteers and have a campaign team with a manager in place before they start. This is to make sure that they have the best campaign in order to win. What happens to a candidate that doesn't have a lot of financial donors or money to fund their campaign to begin with? What would they do? How would they raise money to begin with? These are all very important questions to consider, if you want to win a.. election.
In order to win a campaign and get elected, there are many important things a candidate has to consider. Many voters don't realize the hard work that a candidate has to put into getting elected into any office. It requires a lot of dedication, determination and money to help win elections. A good strategy or plan really helps. Before you start your campaign, you'll have to think a few things through. Getting on the ballot, gathering a successful team and starting your campaign are your first priorities. In addition, writing a campaign plan, conducting research and running polls is also a good idea. Sound like a lot? We're only getting started, it is just small part of what is required to win election.
There are a lot of knowledge required to master elections. Read How to win a Election to learn more.
Victoria Kross. Author.
I am very interested in politics and follow current political events daily on the news and on the internet. I write about politics a lot and have a great interest in this field. I have had this fascination with politics since I was a little girl. I have a great interest in political leaders as well as government institutions. I like to share my knowledge on the issue with friends and family. I also look forward to learning more about politics and political issues. Follow my blog [] for more information about politics and winning election techniques.